Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

304 - Degree in Medicine

26714 - Psychiatry

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26714 - Psychiatry
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
304 - Degree in Medicine
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

Learning process in this matter is based on the following principles:

Matter’s design is as follows:

This course has been structured in 24 theoretical lessons, 15 workshops and monographic seminars (3 of them are “practical lessons”) and clinical practices.

Theoretical contents will be based on recommended bibliography, previously adapted to the student’s knowledge.

And a narrow link among theoretical lessons (which include clinical cases), seminars and workshops has been designed. It is intended in seminars, but specially in workshops, that students have an active participation. For this purpose, students have to prepare them previously.

5.2. Learning tasks

To reach the planned objectives, the designed program includes the following activities:


-Face-to-face activities (45%: 2.7 ECTS, 67.5 hours): The total 23 lessons will be developed in 24 theoretical, “master” lessons and 15 workshops and seminars.

-Big groups (45%: 1.22 ECTS, 30.4 hours): 24 theoretical, “master” lessons, sequentially and logically distributed.

Matter is divided in 3 major sections: General Introduction, Specific Part and Treatment. Nevertheless, from the beginning, and to expose students to clinical cases (in order to improve also the clinical practices), matter is distributed as follows:

I. Introduction:

1. Course’s planning: Where learning objectives, matter’s program, practices’ criteria, recommended bibliography are specified.

2. Introduction and key concepts: This section includes the concept of Psychiatry, clinical history, an operative concept of psychotic disorder and psychosis, a brief and essential taxonomy of psychiatric disorders to locate every patient very early in the course and, finally, main doctrinal tendencies in Psychiatry.

3. How to reach son the core of Psychiatry: This section study major psychiatric syndromes and which disorders includes them. Together with the study of clinical evolution ways, from the begining of the course, students are able to discuss differential diagnosis of cases. It includes also which is considered normal and pahological in Psychiatry, as well as different management models of psychiatric disorders.

4.-How to be ready very early to face the clinical challenge with patients:

a. Interview, clinical history and clinical examination: This part basically pretend to prepare students to discuss real clinical cases in their practices. It emphasizes clinical interview, psychiatric clinical history and psychopathological examination.

b. Diagnostic, aetiological and therapeutic schemes: Together with the prior issues, the specific approach of diagnostic and aetiological schemes, as well as complementary diagnostic tests and therapeutic scheme complete the learning process in this issue, and students will be able to implement this knowledge in their clinical practices.

Both principles of basic, support psychotherapy and a basic classification of psychotropic drugs (which students will see how are applied to clinical cases from the beginning of the course) will be presented.

5.-Aetiological factors in Psychiatry: They are studied, starting with a general scheme, and following with biological factors (genetic factors, structural abnormalities, CNS development disorders and biochemical factors). Main biological hypotheses for psychiatric disorders are presented in this point.

Among psychosocial factors, psychological ones are studied, together with psychological theories (psychoanalysis, conductism, cognitive-behavioural theories, existentialism and other theories) are presented. Also we study social factors and their theories, including clinical epidemiology, stress and life events.

6. Towards diagnosis and classification of psychiatric disorders: Introduction section ends with a deeper study of clinical history and mental status examination, as well as complementary specific tests and explorations, includeng scales and questionnaires, laboratory tests and neuroimaging.

Psychiatric taxonomy is also studied, using the WHO International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10.

II. Specific Part:

All psychiatric disorders are studied in this section, following ICD-10 taxonomy: organic disorders, substance abuse, shizophrenia and chronic delusional disorders, affective disorders, neurotic disorders, post-stress and somatoform disroders, psychophysiological and “psychosomatic” disorders, personality disorders and mental retardation. Child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as geriatric psychiatry and suicide are studied in specific lessons.

III. Treatments and assistance:

In this section, the different psychotropic treatments are studied, as well as  electro-convulsive therapy and psychotherapies. For learning purposes a relevant part of these contents have been included in the specific part. Final lesson study, in a general sense, psychiatric assistance.

Along the program aspects relatives to evolution and development of the discipline are included and, specifically, an introduction to research in Psychiatry.


Small groups (45%: 1.22 ECTS, 30.4 hours). Theoretical program is completed with 15 Seminars and Workshops, as well as with clincial practices.


They are related to basic lessons of the general program. Different clinical cases will be presented with active participation of students. Furthermore, some seminar will include bigger proportion of contents about models and scientific approaches.

Timetable for seminars and workshops will be available in the noticeboard of Psychiatry Area. Small groups of 4-5 students will work under teachers’ supervision.


Thay are eminently practical, with a specially active participation of students. There will be a special dedication to research projects in Psychiatry.

-Clinical practices:

Clinical contact with patients in hospitals, with the correpondent distribution of students, according to transversal organization chart for the 6th semester.


They are both face-to-face and personal, with previous appointment with the teacher, and online, using standard tiumetable. Group tutorials are also available, with seminars and workshops’ teachers.

At the begining of the academic term students will be distributed among available teachers, according to their teaching commitments. The main objective is to reach and adequate academic guidance of the students.


Distance learning (55%: 3.30 ECTS, 82.5 hours): This is the autonomous work of the students, dedicated to study the theoretical lessons and to prepare seminars and workshops before and after them.

5.3. Syllabus


Lesson 1. History and current concept of Psychiatry. Contemporary doctrinal tendencies. Relationships with other knowledge areas and medical specialties.

Lesson 2. Major psychopathological syndromes.

Lesson 3. Psychiatric interview. Psychopathological examination. Complementary explorations (EEG, neurophysiological and neuroradiological explorations). Psychological tests, scales and questionnaires.

Lesson 4. Clasification of psychiatric disorders. Current taxonomies.

Lesson 5. General aetiology of psychiatric disorders. Normal and pathological in Psychiatry. Psychiatric epidemiology. Evolution forms of psychiatric disorders. Biological bases of psychiatric disorders. Psychological and social bases of psychiatric disorders.

Specific part:

Lesson 6. Organic mental disorders. Dementias.

Lesson 7. Delirium.

Lesson 8. Other pschiatric dirsorders with organic bases. Psychiatric aspects of epilepsy.

Lesson 9. Mental and behavioural disorders due to substance abuse: Aetiopathogenic, classification, social and personal problems.

Lesson 10. Schizophrenia and chronic delusional disorders.

Lesson 11. Affective disorders.

Lesson 12. Neurotic, stress and somatoform  disorders, Concept and classification. Anxiety disorders.

Lesson 13. Phobic, obssesive-compulsive and disociative disorders.

Lesson 14. Somatoform disorders.

Lesson 15. Psychiatric and behavioural disorders associated to physiological disfunctions and physical factors. Eating behaviour and sleep disorders. Sexual disfunctions.

Lesson 16. Personality and behavioural disorders in adults.

Lesson 17. Mental retardation.

Lesson 18. Development and behavioural disorders in childhood and adolescence.

Lesson 19. Geriatric psychiatry: Disorders in the elderly, apart from dementias.

Lesson 20. Suicide and suicide risk. Evaluation, aetipathogenic, prevention and treatment.

Treatments and assistance:

Lesson 21. Biological treatments in Psychiatry. Psychotropic drugs., Electroconvulsive therapy.

Lesson 22. Psychotherapies.

Lesson 23. Prevention of psychiatric disorders and mental higiene. Modern psychiatric assistance. Consultation-liaison psychiatry. Psychiatric legislation.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Face-to-face activities timetable and deadline for works:

Theoretical, master lessons: 3 lesson each week (alternative with seminars) = 24 horas.

Seminars: 1 per week during 16 weeks.

Workshops: 1 each 2-3 weeks during 16 weeks.

Small groups work (4-5students), distributed along seminars and workshops will be done and presented before the deadlines stablish by teachers in charge.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

Recommended bibliography:

-CIE 10 [Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades] : Trastornos mentales y del comportamiento : descripciones clínicas y pautas para el diagnóstico / Organización Mundial de la Salud . [Madrid] : Meditor, D.L. 1999.

-Sadock, Benjamin J. : Sinopsis de psiquiatría: ciencias de la conducta: psiquiatría clínica. 11ª ed., [actualizada con el DSM-5] L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona : Wolters Kluwer, D.L. 2015.

-Tratado de psiquiatría / Antonio Seva Díaz (director) . 1ª ed. Zaragoza : INO, 2001.

-Ey, Henri. Tratado de psiquiatría / por Henri Ey, P. Bernard, Ch. Brisset . - 8a. ed. rev. y puesta al día, [8a reimp.] Barcelona : Masson, 2006.

-Lobo Satué, Antonio. Manual de psiquiatría general / Antonio Lobo Satué . - [1ª ed., 1ª reimp.] Buenos Aires ; Madrid [etc.] : Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2014.

-Introducción a la psicopatología y la psiquiatría / director, Julio Vallejo Ruiloba ; directores adjuntos, Antonio Bulbena Vilarrasa, Jordi Blanch Andreu . - 8ª ed. Ámsterdam ; Barcelona ; Madrid [etc.] : Elsevier Masson , D.L. 2015.

-Palomo T, Jiménez Arriero MA. Manual de Psiquiatría: Madrid: Ed. ENE, 2009.


Recommended bibliography will be incorporated through the Library of the School of Medicine, and is available online.